
Raspberry Pi Pico

A new interesting controller has arrived and I have already implemented TPS for it.


The Pico Board is only slightly larger than an Arduino Nano and has a MicroUSB interface for communication with the host. Interesting facts about this controller:

Above all, the price is also an important reason. While the Arduino Nano is currently being traded at €8, the RPI Pico is available from €4.

There are several options for programming: On the one hand you can of course program the Pico with a tool chain in C++. There is also a variant for the board manager of the Arduino IDE.

On the other hand there is a MicroPython implementation on the Pico.

For TPS I decided to use a MicroPython implementation,because I already did implementations for Calliope and Microbit 1partially in MicroPython. And there is already a functioning file system connection. As the Pico has significantly more pins available, I have expanded the command set a bit: In addition, there are now 2 more analog outputs, which can also be used as servo outputs. (Only in 8-bit mode)

The current development version can be found in my Python-TPS github repo:

Command Implementation Chart

The command implementation list for the Raspberry PI Pico:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
n.n. Port [DOUT]Delay [WAIT]Jump back relative [RJMP]A=# [LDA]=A A= A=expression
0NOP [NOP] off 1ms 0 0 A↔B [SWAP]
1 1 2ms 1 1 B=A [MOV] A=B [MOV] A=A + 1 [INC]
2 2 5ms 2 2 C=A [MOV] A=C [MOV] A=A - 1 [DEC]
3 3 10ms 3 3 D=A [MOV] A=D [MOV] A=A + B [ADD]
4 4 20ms 4 4 Dout=A [STA] Din [LDA] A=A - B [SUB]
5 5 50ms 5 5 Dout.1=A.1 [STA]Din.1 [LDA] A=A * B [MUL]
6 6 100ms 6 6 Dout.2=A.1 [STA]Din.2 [LDA] A=A / B [DIV]
7 7 200ms 7 7 Dout.3=A.1 [STA]Din.3 [LDA] A=A and B [AND]
8 8 500ms 8 8 Dout.4=A.1 [STA]Din.4 [LDA] A=A or B [OR]
9 9 1s 9 9 PWM.1=A [STA] ADC.1 [LDA] A=A xor B [XOR]
a 10 2s 10 10 PWM.2=A [STA] ADC.2 [LDA] A= not A [NOT]
b 11 5s 11 11 Servo.1=A [STA] RCin.1 [LDA]A= A % B (Rest) [MOD]
c 12 10s 12 12 Servo.2=A [STA] RCin.2 [LDA]A= A + 16 * B [BYTE]
d 13 20s 13 13 E=A [MOV] A=E [MOV] A= B - A[BSUBA]
e 14 30s 14 14 F=A [MOV] A=F [MOV] A=A SHR 1 [SHR]
f 15 60s 15 15 Push A [PUSH] Pop A [POP] A=A SHL 1 [SHL]
8 9 a b c d e f
Page [PAGE]Jump absolut (#+16*page) [JMP]C* C>0: C=C-1; Jump # + (16*page) [LOOPC]D* D>0:D=D-1; Jump # + (16*page) [LOOPD]Skip if Call # + (16*Page) [Call]Callsub/Ret Byte Commands
00 0 0 0 A==0 [SKIP0] 0 ret [RTR] A=ADC.1 [BLDA]
11 1 1 1 A>B [AGTB] 1 Call 1 [CASB] A=ADC.2 [BLDA]
22 2 2 2 A<B [ALTB] 2 2 [CASB] A=RCin.1 [BLDA]
33 3 3 3 A==B [AEQB] 3 3 [CASB] A=RCin.2 [BLDA]
44 4 4 4 Din.1==1 [DEQ1 1]4 4 [CASB] PWM.1=A [BSTA]
55 5 5 5 Din.2==1 [DEQ1 2]5 5 [CASB] PWM.2=A [BSTA]
66 6 6 6 Din.3==1 [DEQ1 3]6 6 [CASB] Servo.1=A [BSTA]
77 7 7 7 Din.4==1 [DEQ1 4]7 Servo.2=A [BSTA]
88 8 8 8 Din.1==0 [DEQ0 1]8 Def 1 [DFSB] Tone=A [TONE]
99 9 9 9 Din.2==0 [DEQ0 2]9 2 [DFSB] PWM.3=A [BSTA]
a10 10 10 10 Din.3==0 [DEQ0 3]10 3 [DFSB] PWM.4=A [BSTA]
b11 11 11 11 Din.4==0 [DEQ0 4]11 4 [DFSB] Servo.3=A [BSTA]
c12 12 12 12 S_PRG==0 [PRG0] 12 5 [DFSB] Servo.4=A [BSTA]
d13 13 13 13 S_SEL==0 [SEL0] 13 6 [DFSB] LED On [LED1]
e14 14 14 14 S_PRG==1 [PRG1] 14 LED off [LED0]
f15 15 15 15 S_SEL==1 [SEL1] 15 restart [REST]PrgEnd [PEND]

Hardware assignments

Pin Mapping Table

pin number pico function TPS function pin pico function TPS function
———- ————– ———— —- ————- —————
1 GP0 40 VBUS
2 GP1 39 VSYS
3 GND 38 GND
4 GP2 Dout.1 37 3V3_EN
5 GP3 Dout.2 36 3V3
6 GP4 Dout.3 35 ADC_VREF
7 GP5 Dout.4 34 ADC2
8 GND 33 GND
9 GP6 Din.1 32 ADC1 ADC.1
10 GP7 Din.2 31 ADC0 ADC.0
11 GP8 Din.3 30 RUN Reset
12 GP9 Din.4 29 GP22
13 GND 28 GND
14 GP10 SEL 27 GP21 PWM.4 (Servo.4)
15 GP11 PRG 26 GP20 PWM.3 (Servo.3)
16 GP12, UART0 TX 25 GP19
17 GP13, UART0 RX 24 GP18 Tone output
18 GND 23 GND
19 GP14 RC.1 22 GP17 PWM.2 (Servo.2)
20 GP15 RC.2 21 GP16 PWM.1 (Servo.1)


Currently the installation is a bit more complex. But I am working on it. Therefore, the Thonny IDE must currently be installed on the host. (
