backendname: sensors description: sensor model für storing and retrieving sensor data models: - name: temperatur fields: - name: temperatur type: float mandatory: false collection: false - name: vstring type: string mandatory: false collection: false - name: vint type: int mandatory: false collection: false - name: vfloat type: float mandatory: false collection: false - name: vtime type: time mandatory: false collection: false - name: vbool type: bool mandatory: false collection: false - name: source type: string mandatory: false collection: false datasources: - name: temp_kueche type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur - mqtt_sensors_temperatur rule: tasmota_ds18b20 config: broker: topic: tele/tasmota_63E6F8/SENSOR qos: 0 payload: application/json username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic - name: temp_arbeit type: mqtt destinations: - mqtt_hm_output rule: tasmota_ds18b20_hm config: broker: topic: tele/tasmota_63E6F8/SENSOR qos: 0 payload: application/json username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic - name: temp_simple_text type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur/simple/string payload: application/x.simple username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic simpleValueAttribute: vstring simpleValueAttributeType: string - name: temp_simple_int type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur/simple/int payload: application/x.simple username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic simpleValueAttribute: vint simpleValueAttributeType: int - name: temp_simple_float type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur/simple/float payload: application/x.simple username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic simpleValueAttribute: vfloat simpleValueAttributeType: float - name: temp_simple_time type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur/simple/time payload: application/x.simple username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic simpleValueAttribute: vtime simpleValueAttributeType: time - name: temp_simple_bool type: mqtt destinations: - $model.temperatur config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur/simple/bool payload: application/x.simple username: temp password: temp addTopicAsAttribute: topic simpleValueAttribute: vbool simpleValueAttributeType: bool rules: - name: tasmota_ds18b20 description: transforming the tasmota json structure of the DS18B20 into my simple structure transform: - operation: shift spec: Temperature: DS18B20.Temperature TempUnit: TempUnit Datetime: Time Timestamp: Time Msg: $ - operation: timestamp spec: Timestamp: { inputFormat: 2006-01-02T15:04:05, outputFormat: $unixext } - name: hm_temp_simple description: handle homematic temperatur rightly transform: - operation: shift spec: Temperature: val Timestamp: ts Datetime: ts - operation: default spec: TempUnit: C - operation: timestamp spec: Datetime: { inputFormat: $unixext, outputFormat: 2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700 } - name: tasmota_ds18b20_hm description: transforming the tasmota json structure of the DS18B20 into hm basic structure transform: - operation: shift spec: val: DS18B20.Temperature ts: Time - operation: timestamp spec: Timestamp: { inputFormat: 2006-01-02T15:04:05, outputFormat: $unixext } destinations: - name: mqtt_sensors_temperatur type: mqtt config: broker: topic: stat/temperatur qos: 1 payload: application/json username: temp password: temp - name: mqtt_hm_output type: mqtt config: broker: topic: hm/set/TempArbeit qos: 0 payload: application/json username: temp password: temp