#1 Feature: adding automatically programming of Arduino uno and nano hardware.

vor 4 Jahren geöffnet von Willie · 1 Kommentare

For a simple use of the emulator to all Arduino Uno and Nano users, a simple task of programming the Arduino Uno/Nano with the right TPS/SPS Version. On first Start of the procedure, the needed files will be downloaded from the Intenet. (programmer like avrdude with configuration, HEX files)

For a simple use of the emulator to all Arduino Uno and Nano users, a simple task of programming the Arduino Uno/Nano with the right TPS/SPS Version. On first Start of the procedure, the needed files will be downloaded from the Intenet. (programmer like avrdude with configuration, HEX files)
Wilfried Klaas kommentierte vor 3 Jahren


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