#4 No language support is implemented for the Austrian language.

нээсэн 3 жил өмнө by Willie · 0 саналууд
Wilfried Klaas санал үлдээсэн 3 жил өмнө

No language support is implemented for the Austrian language. Unfortunately, all texts on the surface are in ID_xxxx notation. Unfortunately, the fallback does not work in English either.

No language support is implemented for the Austrian language. Unfortunately, all texts on the surface are in ID_xxxx notation. Unfortunately, the fallback does not work in English either.
Wilfried Klaas энэ асуудлыг 3 жил өмнө коммитоос иш татсан болно
Энэ хэлэлцүүлгэнд нэгдэхийн тулт та нэвтэрнэ үү.
Үе шат заахгүй
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