unit uSPS; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, MCSTools; const CMD_NULL = $00; PORT = $10; DELAY = $20; JUMP_BACK = $30; SET_A = $40; IS_A = $50; A_IS = $60; CALC = $70; PAGE = $80; JUMP = $90; C_COUNT = $A0; D_COUNT = $B0; SKIP_IF = $C0; CALL = $D0; CALL_SUB = $E0; CMD_BYTE = $F0; const COMMANDS: array[0..15] of string = ('0', 'Dout', 'Delay', 'Jump -', 'A=#', '=A', 'A=', 'A=Calculation', 'Page', 'Jump', 'C*', 'D*', 'Skip if', 'Call', 'Ret', 'Byte'); O_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); O_LIST_AT: array[0..15] of string = ('NOP', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); DOUT_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('Output 0000', 'Output 0001', 'Output 0010', 'Output 0011', 'Output 0100', 'Output 0101', 'Output 0110', 'Output 0111', 'Output 1000', 'Output 1001', 'Output 1010', 'Output 1011', 'Output 1100', 'Output 1101', 'Output 1110', 'Output 1111'); DELAY_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('Delay 1ms', 'Delay 2ms', 'Delay 5ms', 'Delay 10ms', 'Delay 20ms', 'Delay 50ms', 'Delay 100ms', 'Delay 200ms', 'Delay 500ms', 'Delay 1s', 'Delay 2s', 'Delay 5s', 'Delay 10s', 'Delay 20s', 'Delay 30s', 'Delay 60s'); JUMP_B_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('jump -0', 'jump -1', 'jump -2', 'jump -3', 'jump -4', 'jump -5', 'jump -6', 'jump -7', 'jump -8', 'jump -9', 'jump -10', 'jump -11', 'jump -12', 'jump -13', 'jump -14', 'jump -15'); A_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('A=0', 'A=1', 'A=2', 'A=3', 'A=4', 'A=5', 'A=6', 'A=7', 'A=8', 'A=9', 'A=10', 'A=11', 'A=12', 'A=13', 'A=14', 'A=15'); IS_A_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'B=A', 'C=A', 'D=A', 'Dout=A', 'Dout.1=A.0', 'Dout.2=A.0', 'Dout.3=A.0', 'Dout.4=A.0', 'PWM.1=A', '', '', '', '', '', ''); IS_A_LIST_A8: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'B=A', 'C=A', 'D=A', 'Dout=A', 'Dout.1=A.0', 'Dout.2=A.0', 'Dout.3=A.0', 'Dout.4=A.0', 'PWM.1=A', 'PWM.2=A', '', '', '', '', ''); IS_A_LIST_AT: array[0..15] of string = ('A<->B', 'B=A', 'C=A', 'D=A', 'Dout=A', 'Dout.1=A.0', 'Dout.2=A.0', 'Dout.3=A.0', 'Dout.4=A.0', 'PWM.1=A', 'PWM.2=A', 'Servo.1=A', 'Servo.2=A', 'E=A', 'F=A', 'Push A'); A_IS_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A=B', 'A=C', 'A=D', 'A=Din', 'A=Din.1', 'A=Din.2', 'A=Din.3', 'A=Din.4', 'A=ADC.1', 'A=ADC.2', '', '', '', '', ''); A_IS_LIST_A8: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A=B', 'A=C', 'A=D', 'A=Din', 'A=Din.1', 'A=Din.2', 'A=Din.3', 'A=Din.4', 'A=ADC.1', 'A=ADC.2', '', '', '', '', ''); A_IS_LIST_AT: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A=B', 'A=C', 'A=D', 'A=Din', 'A=Din.1', 'A=Din.2', 'A=Din.3', 'A=Din.4', 'A=ADC.1', 'A=ADC.2', 'A=RC.1', 'A=RC.2', 'A=E', 'A=F', 'Pop A'); A_CALC_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A=A+1', 'A=A-1', 'A=A+B', 'A=A-B', 'A=A*B', 'A=A/B', 'A=A And B', 'A=A Or B', 'A=A Xor B', 'A=Not A', '', '', '', '', ''); A_CALC_LIST_AT: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A=A+1', 'A=A-1', 'A=A+B', 'A=A-B', 'A=A*B', 'A=A/B', 'A=A And B', 'A=A Or B', 'A=A Xor B', 'A=Not A', 'A=A % B', 'A=A+16*B', 'A = B - A', 'A=A SHR 1', 'A=A SHL 1'); PAGE_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('Page 0', 'Page 1', 'Page 2', 'Page 3', 'Page 4', 'Page 5', 'Page 6', 'Page 7', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); PAGE_LIST_AT: array[0..15] of string = ('Page 0', 'Page 1', 'Page 2', 'Page 3', 'Page 4', 'Page 5', 'Page 6', 'Page 7', 'Page 8', 'Page 9', 'Page A', 'Page B', 'Page C', 'Page D', 'Page E', 'Page F'); JUMP_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('Jump 0', 'Jump 1', 'Jump 2', 'Jump 3', 'Jump 4', 'Jump 5', 'Jump 6', 'Jump 7', 'Jump 8', 'Jump 9', 'Jump A', 'Jump B', 'Jump C', 'Jump D', 'Jump E', 'Jump F'); C_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('C 0', 'C 1', 'C 2', 'C 3', 'C 4', 'C 5', 'C 6', 'C 7', 'C 8', 'C 9', 'C A', 'C B', 'C C', 'C D', 'C E', 'C F'); D_LIST: array[0..15] of string = ('D 0', 'D 1', 'D 2', 'D 3', 'D 4', 'D 5', 'D 6', 'D 7', 'D 8', 'D 9', 'D A', 'D B', 'D C', 'D D', 'D E', 'D F'); SKIP_LIST_H: array[0..15] of string = ('', 'A>B', 'AB', 'AB', 'A -1; end; function TServo.getValue: byte; begin Result := myValue; end; procedure TServo.Write(Value: byte); begin myValue := Value; end; { TSPS } function TSPS.isDout1(): boolean; begin Result := dout1; end; function TSPS.isDout2(): boolean; begin Result := dout2; end; function TSPS.isDout3(): boolean; begin Result := dout3; end; function TSPS.isDout4(): boolean; begin Result := dout4; end; function TSPS.getPWM1(): byte; begin Result := pwm1; end; function TSPS.getPWM2(): byte; begin Result := pwm2; end; function TSPS.getServo1(): byte; begin Result := servo1.getValue; end; function TSPS.getServo2(): byte; begin Result := servo2.getValue; end; function TSPS.getTone(): integer; begin Result := tone; end; procedure TSPS.setDin1(Data: boolean); begin din1 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setDin2(Data: boolean); begin din2 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setDin3(Data: boolean); begin din3 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setDin4(Data: boolean); begin din4 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setSPrg(Data: boolean); begin sw_prg := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setSSel(Data: boolean); begin sw_sel := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setADC1(Data: byte); begin adc1 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setADC2(Data: byte); begin adc2 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setRC1(Data: byte); begin rc1 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.setRC2(Data: byte); begin rc2 := Data; end; procedure TSPS.nextStep(); var Value: byte; begin Value := eeprom[addr]; addr := addr + 1; doSingleCommand(Value); if (addr > SizeOf(eeprom)) then begin doReset(); end; preFetch(); end; procedure TSPS.doReset(); begin a := 0; b := 0; c := 0; d := 0; e := 0; f := 0; stack.Reset(); active := False; din1 := False; din2 := False; din3 := False; din4 := False; dout1 := False; dout2 := False; dout3 := False; dout4 := False; addr := 0; adrPage := 0; pwm2 := 0; pwm1 := 0; adc1 := 0; adc2 := 0; saveCnt := 0; servo2.Write(0); servo1.Write(0); stop := False; end; procedure TSPS.start(); var Value, cmd, Data: byte; x: integer; begin doReset(); for x := 0 to SizeOf(eeprom) do begin Value := eeprom[x]; cmd := (Value and $F0); Data := (Value and $0F); if (cmd = CALL_SUB) then begin if (Data >= 8) then begin Data := Data - 7; subs[Data] := x + 1; end; end; if ((cmd = IS_A) and (Data = $0B)) then begin servo1.attach(0); end; if ((cmd = IS_A) and (Data = $0C)) then begin servo2.attach(1); end; if ((cmd = CMD_BYTE) and (Data = $06)) then begin servo1.attach(0); end; if ((cmd = CMD_BYTE) and (Data = $07)) then begin servo2.attach(1); end; end; active := True; end; procedure TSPS.break(); begin stop := True; end; procedure TSPS.doSingleCommand(command: byte); var cmd, Data: byte; begin cmd := (command and $F0); Data := (command and $0F); case cmd of CMD_NULL: doNull(Data); PORT: doPort(Data); DELAY: doDelay(Data); JUMP_BACK: doJumpBack(Data); SET_A: doSetA(Data); A_IS: doAIs(Data); IS_A: doIsA(Data); CALC: doCalc(Data); PAGE: doPage(Data); JUMP: doJump(Data); C_COUNT: doCCount(Data); D_COUNT: doDCount(Data); SKIP_IF: doSkipIf(Data); CALL: doCall(Data); CALL_SUB: doCallSub(Data); CMD_BYTE: doByte(Data); end; end; procedure TSPS.preFetch(); var cmd, Data: byte; skip: boolean; begin jumpAddr := 0; skip := False; cmd := eeprom[addr]; Data := (cmd and $0F); cmd := (cmd and $F0); case cmd of C_COUNT: begin if (c > 0) then jumpAddr := Data + 16 * Page; end; D_COUNT: begin if (d > 0) then jumpAddr := Data + 16 * Page; end; JUMP_BACK: jumpAddr := addr - Data; JUMP: jumpAddr := Data + 16 * Page; SKIP_IF: begin case Data of 0: if (a = 0) then case version of ATTiny84, Arduino, MicroBit: skip := True; end; 1: if (a > b) then skip := True; 2: if (a < b) then skip := True; 3: if (a = b) then skip := True; 4: if (din1) then skip := True; 5: if (din2) then skip := True; 6: if (din3) then skip := True; 7: if (din4) then skip := True; 8: if (not din1) then skip := True; 9: if (not din2) then skip := True; 10: if (not din3) then skip := True; 11: if (not din4) then skip := True; 12: if (sw_sel) then skip := True; 13: if (sw_prg) then skip := True; 14: if (not sw_sel) then skip := True; 15: if (not sw_prg) then skip := True; end; if (skip = True) then jumpAddr := addr + 2; end; end; end; procedure TSPS.writeEEProm(adr: byte; Data: byte); begin eeprom[adr] := Data; end; function TSPS.isActive(): boolean; begin Result := active; end; function TSPS.isDelayActive(): boolean; begin Result := delayActive; end; function TSPS.getAddress(): word; begin Result := addr; end; function TSPS.getPage(): word; begin Result := adrPage div 16; end; function TSPS.getRAdr(): word; begin if (saveCnt = 0) then begin Result := 0; end; Result := saveaddr[saveCnt - 1]; end; procedure TSPS.getStack(List: TStrings); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to stack.Count - 1 do begin List.Add(IntToHex(stack.peek(i), 2)); end; end; function TSPS.getARegister(): byte; begin Result := a; end; function TSPS.getBRegister(): byte; begin Result := b; end; function TSPS.getCRegister(): byte; begin Result := c; end; function TSPS.getDRegister(): byte; begin Result := d; end; function TSPS.getERegister(): byte; begin Result := e; end; function TSPS.getFRegister(): byte; begin Result := f; end; procedure TSPS.setTPSVersion(tpsversion: TTPSVersion); begin version := tpsversion; end; procedure TSPS.getCommands(list: TStrings); begin MCSStrings.copyArray2List(COMMANDS, list); end; procedure TSPS.getDatas(cmd: byte; list: TStrings); begin if (cmd = 0) then begin case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(O_LIST_H, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(O_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 1) then begin MCSStrings.copyArray2List(DOUT_LIST, list); end; if (cmd = 2) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(DELAY_LIST, list); if (cmd = 3) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(JUMP_B_LIST, list); if (cmd = 4) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_LIST, list); if (cmd = 5) then begin case version of Holtek, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(IS_A_LIST_H, list); ATMega8: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(IS_A_LIST_A8, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(IS_A_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 6) then begin case version of Holtek, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_IS_LIST_H, list); ATMega8: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_IS_LIST_A8, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_IS_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 7) then begin case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_CALC_LIST_H, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(A_CALC_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 8) then begin case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(PAGE_LIST_H, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(PAGE_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 9) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(JUMP_LIST, list); if (cmd = 10) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(C_LIST, list); if (cmd = 11) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(D_LIST, list); if (cmd = 12) then begin case version of Holtek, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(SKIP_LIST_H, list); ATMega8: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(SKIP_LIST_A8, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(SKIP_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 13) then MCSStrings.copyArray2List(CALL_LIST, list); if (cmd = 14) then begin case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(RET_LIST_H, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(RET_LIST_AT, list); end; end; if (cmd = 15) then begin case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(F_LIST_H, list); ATTiny84, Arduino: MCSStrings.copyArray2List(F_LIST_AT, list); end; end; end; function TSPS.getCommandText(cmd, Data: byte): string; var list: TStrings; line: string; begin if ((cmd >= 0) and (cmd < 16)) then begin list := TStringList.Create; getDatas(cmd, list); if ((Data >= 0) and (Data < 16)) then line := COMMANDS[cmd] + ':' + list[Data]; list.Free; end; Result := line; end; function TSPS.getJump(): byte; begin Result := jumpAddr; end; procedure TSPS.doNull(Data: byte); begin // Do nothing end; // output to port procedure TSPS.doPort(Data: byte); begin dout1 := (Data and $01) > 0; dout2 := (Data and $02) > 0; dout3 := (Data and $04) > 0; dout4 := (Data and $08) > 0; end; // delay in ms procedure TSPS.doDelay(Data: byte); var delayValue: integer; x: integer; begin case Data of 0: delayValue := 1; 1: delayValue := 2; 2: delayValue := 5; 3: delayValue := 10; 4: delayValue := 20; 5: delayValue := 50; 6: delayValue := 100; 7: delayValue := 200; 8: delayValue := 500; 9: delayValue := 1000; 10: delayValue := 2000; 11: delayValue := 5000; 12: delayValue := 10000; 13: delayValue := 20000; 14: delayValue := 30000; 15: delayValue := 60000; end; delayActive := True; repeat if (delayValue >= 100) then begin Dec(delayValue, 100); Sleep(100); delayCallback(delayValue); end; until ((delayValue <= 100) or stop); delayCallback(0); delayActive := False; end; // jump relative back procedure TSPS.doJumpBack(Data: byte); begin addr := addr - Data - 1; end; // a = data procedure TSPS.doSetA(Data: byte); begin a := Data; end; // a = somthing; procedure TSPS.doAIs(Data: byte); begin case Data of 1: a := b; 2: a := c; 3: a := d; 4: begin a := 0; if (din1) then a := a + 1; if (din2) then a := a + 2; if (din3) then a := a + 4; if (din4) then a := a + 8; end; 5: if (din1) then a := 1 else a := 0; 6: if (din2) then a := 1 else a := 0; 7: if (din3) then a := 1 else a := 0; 8: if (din4) then a := 1 else a := 0; 9: a := adc1 and $0f; //(Umrechnen auf 4 bit) 10: a := adc2 and $0f; //(Umrechnen auf 4 bit) 11: a := rc1 and $0f; //(Umrechnen auf 4 bit) 12: a := rc2 and $0f; //(Umrechnen auf 4 bit) 13: a := e; 14: a := f; 15: a := pop(); end; end; // somthing = a; procedure TSPS.doIsA(Data: byte); var tmpValue: byte; begin case Data of 0: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: begin tmpValue := b; b := a; a := tmpValue; end; end; 1: b := a; 2: c := a; 3: d := a; 4: doPort(a); 5: dout1 := (a and $01) > 0; 6: dout2 := (a and $01) > 0; 7: dout3 := (a and $01) > 0; 8: dout4 := (a and $01) > 0; 9: begin pwm1 := a * 16; case version of Holtek: begin pwm1 := a; end; end; end; 10: pwm2 := a * 16; 11: begin if (servo1.attached()) then servo1.Write((a * 10) + 10); end; 12: begin if (servo2.attached()) then servo2.Write((a * 10) + 10); end; 13: e := a; 14: f := a; 15: push(a); end; end; // calculations procedure TSPS.doCalc(Data: byte); begin case Data of 1: a := a + 1; 2: a := a - 1; 3: a := a + b; 4: a := a - b; 5: a := a * b; 6: a := a div b; 7: a := a and b; 8: a := a or b; 9: a := a xor b; 10: a := not a; 11: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := a mod b; end; 12: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := a + 16 * b; end; 13: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := b - a; end; 14: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := a SHR 1; end; 15: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := a SHL 1; end; end; case version of Holtek, ATMega8, MicroBit: a := a and 15; end; end; // setting page procedure TSPS.doPage(Data: byte); begin adrPage := Data * 16; end; // jump absolute procedure TSPS.doJump(Data: byte); begin addr := adrPage + Data; end; // counting with c register procedure TSPS.doCCount(Data: byte); begin if (c > 0) then begin c := c - 1; c := c and $0F; doJump(Data); end; end; // counting with d register procedure TSPS.doDCount(Data: byte); begin if (d > 0) then begin d := d - 1; d := d and $0F; doJump(Data); end; end; // simple comdition = true skip next command procedure TSPS.doSkipIf(Data: byte); begin case (Data) of 0: if (a = 0) then case version of ATTiny84, Arduino, MicroBit: addr := addr + 1; end; 1: if (a > b) then addr := addr + 1; 2: if (a < b) then addr := addr + 1; 3: if (a = b) then addr := addr + 1; 4: if (din1) then addr := addr + 1; 5: if (din2) then addr := addr + 1; 6: if (din3) then addr := addr + 1; 7: if (din4) then addr := addr + 1; 8: if (not din1) then addr := addr + 1; 9: if (not din2) then addr := addr + 1; 10: if (not din3) then addr := addr + 1; 11: if (not din4) then addr := addr + 1; 12: if (sw_sel) then addr := addr + 1; 13: if (sw_prg) then addr := addr + 1; 14: if (not sw_sel) then addr := addr + 1; 15: if (not sw_prg) then addr := addr + 1; end; end; // calling a subroutine procedure TSPS.doCall(Data: byte); begin saveaddr[saveCnt] := addr; case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: saveCnt := saveCnt + 1; end; addr := adrpage + Data; end; // calling a subroutine, calling return and restart procedure TSPS.doCallSub(Data: byte); begin if (Data = 0) then begin case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: begin if (saveCnt = 0) then begin doReset(); exit; end; saveCnt := saveCnt - 1; end; end; addr := saveaddr[saveCnt]; exit; end; if ((Data <= 6) and ((version = ATTiny84) or (version = Arduino))) then begin // call subroutine number saveaddr[saveCnt] := addr; saveCnt := saveCnt + 1; addr := subs[Data]; exit; end; if ((Data = $0f) and ((version = ATTiny84) or (version = Arduino))) then begin doReset(); exit; end; end; procedure TSPS.doByte(Data: byte); var Value: integer; begin // Some byte commands case (Data) of 0: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := adc1; end; 1: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := adc2; end; 2: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := rc1; end; 3: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: a := rc2; end; 4: pwm1 := a; 5: pwm2 := a; 6: begin if (servo1.attached()) then begin Value := (180 * a) div 255; servo1.Write(Value); end; end; 7: begin if (servo2.attached()) then begin Value := (180 * a) div 255; servo2.Write(Value); end; end; 8: case version of ATTiny84, Arduino: doTone(Data); end; end; end; procedure TSPS.doTone(Data: byte); begin if (a in [36..109]) then tone := a else tone := 0; end; procedure TSPS.push(Data: byte); begin stack.Push(Data); end; function TSPS.pop(): byte; begin Result := stack.pop; end; constructor TSPS.Create; begin servo1 := TServo.Create(); servo2 := TServo.Create(); stack := TByteStack.Create; stop := False; delayActive := False; end; destructor TSPS.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; servo1.Free; servo2.Free; stack.Free; end; procedure TSPS.setDelayCallback(callback: TDelayCallback); begin delayCallback := callback; end; end.