SPS_EMU.001 4.2 KB

  1. [LSUOptions]
  2. LSUTextFile=1
  3. [form1Buttons]
  4. ID_EXIT=&Exit
  5. ID_NEW=&New
  6. ID_OPEN=&Open
  7. ID_SAVE=&Save
  8. ID_NEWLINE=New &Line
  9. ID_DELLINE=Delete Line
  10. ID_PRGFILE=Prog. File
  11. ID_PRGULOAD=Upload
  12. ID_HEXFILE=Create HEX file
  13. ID_EXEC_STATEMENT=Execute Instruction
  14. ID_EXEC_NEXT=Next step
  15. ID_EXEC_STOP=Stop execution
  16. ID_EXEC_DEBUG=Debug program
  17. ID_ABOUT=&About
  22. [form1ButtonHints]
  23. ID_EXIT=Exit the program
  24. ID_NEW=Create a new file
  25. ID_OPEN=open a file
  26. ID_SAVE=save the actual file
  27. ID_NEWLINE=Add a new line to the program
  28. ID_DELLINE=Delete the actual line
  29. ID_PRGFILE=Show the programming file
  30. ID_PRGULOAD=Upload the program to the target
  31. ID_HEXFILE=Create a HEX file
  32. ID_EXEC_STATEMENT=Execute a single instruction
  33. ID_EXEC_NEXT=Execute the next step
  34. ID_EXEC_STOP=Stop the debug program execution
  35. ID_EXEC_DEBUG=Start/stop the program
  36. ID_ABOUT=About this program
  37. ID_RESETPRESETS=reset all presets
  38. ID_SAVEPRESETS=save presets to file
  39. ID_LOADPRESETS=load presets from file
  40. ID_NEXT_INSERT=goto next row, add row if necessary
  41. ID_EXAMPLE=Load example from web
  42. [infobox]
  43. ID_APPTITLE=TPS/PLC Emulator
  44. ID_COPYRIGHT=MCS (C) 2018 Wilfried Klaas #13#10 EMail: w.klaas@gmx.de
  45. [form1Captions]
  46. ID_TPS_VERSION=PLC target:
  47. ID_OUTPUT=Outputs
  48. ID_INPUT=Inputs
  49. ID_INTERNAL_DATA=Internal data
  50. ID_CONTROL=Control
  51. ID_OUTPUT_1=Output 1
  52. ID_OUTPUT_2=Output 2
  53. ID_OUTPUT_3=Output 3
  54. ID_OUTPUT_4=Output 4
  55. ID_INPUT_4=Input 4
  56. ID_INPUT_3=Input 3
  57. ID_INPUT_2=Input 2
  58. ID_INPUT_1=Input 1
  59. ID_REFRESH_ADDR=Refresh address
  60. ID_MNEMONIC=Instruction
  61. ID_MNE_DATA=Data
  62. ID_CAPTION=TPS/PLC Emulator
  63. ID_GRID_STORAGE=Memory
  64. ID_GRID_MNEMONIC=Instruction
  65. ID_GRID_DATA=Data
  67. ID_GRID_COMMENT=Comment
  68. ID_SAVE_TPS=File save as
  69. ID_SAVE_HEX=File save as
  70. ID_OPEN=Open program
  71. ID_SAVE=Save program
  72. ID_CLICK_HERE= or click here.
  73. [form1Hints]
  74. ID_TPS_VERSION=TPS target system for this program
  75. ID_OUTPUT=Outputs
  76. ID_INPUT=Inputs
  77. ID_INTERNAL_DATA=Data for internal processing
  78. ID_CONTROL=Control
  79. ID_OUTPUT_1=Output 1
  80. ID_OUTPUT_2=Output 2
  81. ID_OUTPUT_3=Output 3
  82. ID_OUTPUT_4=Output 4
  83. ID_INPUT_4=Input 4
  84. ID_INPUT_3=Input 3
  85. ID_INPUT_2=Input 2
  86. ID_INPUT_1=Input 1
  87. ID_REFRESH_ADDR=Refresh address
  88. ID_MNEMONIC=Instruction
  89. ID_MNE_DATA=Data
  91. ID_GRID_STORAGE=Adress
  92. ID_GRID_MNEMONIC=Instruction
  93. ID_GRID_DATA=Data
  94. ID_GRID_DESCRIPTION=Description
  95. ID_GRID_COMMENT=Notes / Comment
  96. [form2Captions]
  97. ID_CAPTION=Program file
  98. [form2Hints]
  100. [form2Buttons]
  101. ID_CLOSE=&Close
  102. [form2ButtonHints]
  103. ID_CLOSE=Close window
  104. [form1Filter]
  105. ID_SAVE_TPS=TPS/PLC files (*.tps)|*.tps|all files (*.*)|*.*
  106. ID_SAVE_HEX=Intel Hex file (*.hex)|*.hex|all files (*.*)|*.*
  107. ID_OPEN=TPS/SPS file (*.tps)|*.tps|all files (*.*)|*.*
  108. ID_SAVE=TPS/SPS file (*.tps)|*.tps|all files (*.*)|*.*
  109. [form1Action]
  110. ID_EXIT=&Exit
  111. ID_OPEN=Open
  112. ID_SAVE=Save
  113. ID_DEBUG=Start/Stop program
  114. ID_NEXT_STEP=Next step
  115. ID_STOP=Stop debug
  116. ID_EXEC_MNEMONIC=Execute instruction
  117. ID_SHOW_HEX=Show HEX file
  118. ID_UPLOAD=Upload program
  119. ID_NEW=New program
  120. ID_NEW_ROW=New line
  121. ID_DEL_ROW=Delete line
  122. ID_SAVE_FILE=Save file
  123. ID_ABOUT=About
  124. ID_HEX_FILE=Create HEX file
  125. [form1ActionHints]
  126. ID_EXIT=Exit program
  127. ID_OPEN=Open program
  128. ID_SAVE=Save program
  129. ID_DEBUG=Start/Stop program
  130. ID_NEXT_STEP=Execute next step
  131. ID_STOP=Stop debug
  132. ID_EXEC_MNEMONIC=Execute instruction
  133. ID_SHOW_HEX=Show HEX file
  134. ID_UPLOAD=Upload program to TPS/PLC
  135. ID_NEW=New program
  136. ID_NEW_ROW=New line
  137. ID_DEL_ROW=Delete actual line
  138. ID_SAVE_FILE=Save file
  139. ID_ABOUT=About this program
  140. ID_HEX_FILE=Create HEX file
  141. [statusbar]
  142. ID_SPS_START=Starting PLC
  143. ID_SPS_RUNNING=PLC running
  144. ID_SPS_STOPPED=PLC stopped
  145. ID_SPS_PROGRAMMING=programming PLC
  146. [hexfile]
  147. ID_START_LINE=Addr BD Inst. Data Comment
  148. [MessagesMSG]
  149. ID_MB_WARNINGT=Warning
  150. ID_MB_QUESTIONT=Question
  151. SAVE_CHANGESM=The program has been changed. Do you want to save the changes?
  152. [frmSelectComCaptions]
  153. ID_COMPORT=Port
  154. ID_ARDUINO_INST=Arduino installation
  155. ID_COMMENT=Please select the port of the arduino.
  156. [frmSelectComHints]
  157. ID_COMPORT=Com Port
  158. ID_ARDUINO_INST=Arduino installtion
  159. ID_COMMENT=Comment