# Installation of the schematics server # The schematics server is a microservice written in go for serving all data related to the schematics database. All data is stored into a mongodb backend. The frontend will only present the data from this service. for the installtion you have to do the following steps. 1. copy the binary, cmd and the config files on the server. binary in a base sub folder, config files beneth this in a folder config 2. Install a mangodb version >4.x 3. Create a database schematics and a user as dbadmin start the mongo shell on the seleted server the > use schematics > db.createUser({ user: "schematic", pwd: "schematic", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin", { role: "dbOwner", db: "schematic" } ]}) 4. start the service with the start.cmd 5. ready.