swagger: "2.0" info: description: "The gomicro service is a template for all microservices written in go for our dm product." version: "1.0.0" title: "GoMicro Service Template" termsOfService: "http://www.easy.de/" contact: email: "info@easy.de" license: name: "EASY License" url: "http://www.easy.de/" host: "gomicro" basePath: "/v1" tags: - name: "health" description: "readiness/healthcheck endpoints" schemes: - "https" - "http" paths: /health/health: get: tags: - "health" summary: "getting the actual health status of the service" description: "getting the actual health status of the service" operationId: "healthcheck" schemes: - "http" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "service is healthy" 503: description: "service is unhealthy" /health/readiness: get: tags: - "health" summary: "service is ready to get traffic" description: "" operationId: "readinesscheck" schemes: - "http" produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: "service is ready" securityDefinitions: general_auth: type: "oauth2" authorizationUrl: "http://petstore.swagger.io/oauth/dialog" flow: "implicit" scopes: write:pets: "modify pets in your account" read:pets: "read your pets" api_key: type: "apiKey" name: "X-es-apikey" in: "header"