// WKLA 20140416 V0.1.12
// - every minutte the logger will flush the file.
// - writing version number to eeprom for FAT32 Bootloader
// - new stop message with reason why logger creates a new file
// - calculating the right stop voltage
// WKLA 20140123 V0.1.10
// - selftest enhanced
// WKLA 20131123 V0.1.9
// - VesselID into EEPROM
// - New initialise section for better factory tests
// WKLA 20131120 V0.1.8
// - wait 30 seconds for logger start
// WKLA 20131120 V0.1.7
// - making gyro and vcc messages selectable with settings
// - writing the actual settings into a file called OSEAMLOG.CNF
// WKLA 20131110 V0.1.6
// - debug version
// WKLA 20131107 V0.1.5
// - for rev 3 boards now you can switch the 3V3 supply. 
//   So you can reset the sd card without user interaction.
//   For rev2 and rev1 boards this option has no impact-
// WKLA 20131101 V0.1.4
// - Bug in reading config file fixed.
// WKLA 20131029 V0.1.3
// - testing free memory
// WKLA 20131028 V0.1.2
// - saving settings into EEPROM
// WKLA 20131027 V0.0.3
// - changing to AltSoftSerial
// WKLA 20131026
// - changes according to used memory
// - implementing 9N1 protocoll for seatalk
// - implementing seatalk protokoll
// - changing to SdFat library
// WKLA 20131010
// - implemeting crc for own data.