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micro:bit TPS

This is my implementation of the TPS. The instructions will be compatible to my Arduino_TPS Version. And you will get some nice new Commands, implementing some of the micro:bit features, like images, Soundlevel, Logo…

If you find a bug, feel free to create a issue in the tracker.


To install the micro: bit TPS version, please simply copy the file microbit_tps.hex to the micro: bit drive.

Command implementation Chart

The actual command implementation list for the micro:bit V2:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
n.n. Port [DOUT]Delay [WAIT]Jump back relative [RJMP]A=# [LDA]=A A= A=Ausdruck
0NOP [NOP] aus 1ms 0 0 A↔B [SWAP]
X=A, Y=B
1 2ms 1 1 B=A [MOV] A=B [MOV] A=A + 1 [INC]
X=A, Y=B
2 5ms 2 2 C=A [MOV] A=C [MOV] A=A - 1 [DEC]
3A=0: ClearDisplay
A=1..63: show(Image)
3 10ms 3 3 D=A [MOV] A=D [MOV] A=A + B [ADD]
4 4 20ms 4 4 Dout=A [STA] Din [LDA] A=A - B [SUB]
5 5 50ms 5 5 Dout.1=A.1 [STA]Din.1 [LDA] A=A * B [MUL]
6 6 100ms 6 6 Dout.2=A.1 [STA]Din.2 [LDA] A=A / B [DIV]
7 7 200ms 7 7 Dout.3=A.1 [STA]Din.3 [LDA] A=A and B [AND]
8 8 500ms 8 8 Dout.4=A.1 [STA]Din.4 [LDA] A=A or B [OR]
9 9 1s 9 9 PWM.1=A [STA] ADC.1 [LDA] A=A xor B [XOR]
a 10 2s 10 10 PWM.2=A [STA] ADC.2 [LDA] A= not A [NOT]
b 11 5s 11 11 Servo.1=A [STA] RCin.1 [LDA]A= A % B (Rest) [MOD]
c 12 10s 12 12 Servo.2=A [STA] RCin.2 [LDA]A= A + 16 * B [BYTE]
d 13 20s 13 13 E=A [MOV] A=E [MOV] A= B - A[BSUBA]
e 14 30s 14 14 F=A [MOV] A=F [MOV] A=A SHR 1 [SHR]
f 15 60s 15 15 Push A [PUSH] Pop A [POP] A=A SHL 1 [SHL]

new commands for the micro:bit

SetPixel: sets a pixel directly with x,y coordinates. X=A Y=B

ClearPixel: clears a pixel

ShowImage(image): if image (A) is set to 0, the display is cleared, otherwise it will set a nice image on the display. Number to image, see appendix.

8 9 a b c d e f
Page [PAGE]Jump absolut (#+16*page) [JMP]C* C>0: C=C-1; Jump # + (16*page) [LOOPC]D* D>0:D=D-1; Jump # + (16*page) [LOOPC]Skip if Call # + (16*Page) [Call]Callsub/Ret Byte Befehle
00 0 0 0 A==0 [SKIP0] 0 ret [RTR] A=ADC.1 [BLDA]
11 1 1 1 A>B [AGTB] 1 Call 1 [CASB] A=ADC.2 [BLDA]
22 2 2 2 A<B [ALTB] 2 2 [CASB] A=RCin.1 [BLDA]
33 3 3 3 A==B [AEQB] 3 3 [CASB] A=RCin.2 [BLDA]
44 4 4 4 Din.1==1 [DEQ1 1]4 4 [CASB] PWM.1=A [BSTA]
55 5 5 5 Din.2==1 [DEQ1 2]5 5 [CASB] PWM.2=A [BSTA]
66 6 6 6 Din.3==1 [DEQ1 3]6 6 [CASB] Servo.1=A [BSTA]
77 7 7 7 Din.4==1 [DEQ1 4]7 Servo.2=A [BSTA]
88 8 8 8 Din.1==0 [DEQ0 1]8 Def 1 [DFSB] Tone=A [TONE]
99 9 9 9 Din.2==0 [DEQ0 2]9 2 [DFSB] GetACC
a=acc.x, E=acc.y, F=acc.z
a10 10 10 10 Din.3==0 [DEQ0 3]10 3 [DFSB] A= Compass (in 5°)
b11 11 11 11 Din.4==0 [DEQ0 4]11 4 [DFSB] A=SoundLevel()
c12 12 12 12 S_PRG==0 [PRG0] 12 5 [DFSB] A=LightLevel (0..255)
d13 13 13 13 S_SEL==0 [SEL0] 13 6 [DFSB] A=LogoTouched
e14 14 14 14 S_PRG==1 [PRG1] 14 A=Gesture()
f15 15 15 15 S_SEL==1 [SEL1] 15 restart [REST]PrgEnd [PEND]

new commands for the micro:bit

GetACC: get values from the accelerator, A will be the x-axis, E the y-axis, and F the z-axis all Values range form 0..255

Compass: get the value of the compass, the value is in 5° Steps, so 0 = 0° 1 = 5°, 2=10°…

SoundLevel: level of the microphone

LightLevel: level of the ambient light

Gesture: is the gesture you where making with the micro:bit. The following gestures will be detected:

No.Gesture No.Gesture
0 nothing 6 face down
1 moving up 7 freefall
2 moving down 8 3g
3 moving left 9 6g
4 moving right10 8g
5 face up 11 shake

LogoTouched: the logo is touched.

Hardware assignments:

Caution: Due to the dual assignment of pins (especially the two A / D converters) can cause effects on the circuit in both directions. Protective diodes may be required there.

Button A is PRG or S1 (pin 5)
Button B is SEL or S2 (pin 11)
servo pins: Servo 1: pin 8, Servo 2: pin 9
ppm pins: pin 3, pin 4

Micro:bit pin mapping table

pin numbermicro:bit functionTPS function
0 a/d DOut.1
1 a/d DOut.2
2 a/d DOut.3
3 LED Col 3 a/d A/D 1, RCin 1
4 LED Col 1 a/d A/D 2, RCin 2
5 Button A PRG/S1
6 LED Col 4 unusable
7 LED Col 2 unusable
8 D/A 1, Servo 1
9 D/A 2, Servo 2
10 LED Col 5 a/d unusable
11 Button B SEL/S2
12 reserved DOut.4
13 DIn.1
14 DIn.2
15 DIn.3
16 DIn.4
19 I2C unusable
20 I2C unusable

Debug mode

This micro: bit TPS version supports debug and single step mode. In debug mode, additional information is made available on the serial interface while the program is being executed. A terminal program (such as hterm: is required for this. Settings: 115200 baud 8N1.

PC: 0000
INST: 1, DATA: 1
A: 00, B: 00, C: 00
D: 00, E: 00, F: 00
Page: 00, Ret: 0000

PC is the program counter. INST and DATA are the nibbles of the command. The current status of the registers is shown under Register. PAGE is the page register and RET contains the return address for a subroutine call (via command 0xD #).
While the single step mode can only be set via source code, the pure debug mode can be started by touching the logo during a reset.


Image List

You can show a nice image on the display of the microbit. There are several images pre installed. To show a image simply put the number of the image into the A register. For images > 15 you can use this code. As an example we want to display the T-Shirt image, which is number 50. First simple do the following calculation 50/16 = 3 with a rest of 2 (3*16+2=50)
First put the upper bits (the 3) in to the B register. With Assembler Pseudocode this is

LDA 3 	A=3	0x43
MOV B	B=A	0x51

Then put the 2 into the A Register and do the calulation

LDA 2	A=2	0x42
BYTE	A=B*16+A	0x7C

And than call the display command (at the moment there is no assembler mnemonic for this)

n.n.	Show Image	0x03

So the tps program showing the t-shirt is: 43, 51, 42, 7C, 03

Here is the image list:

upper nibble 0 1 2 3
lower nibble
0 0: clear display, 16: Image.CLOCK3 32: Image.ARROW_W 48: Image.PACMAN
1 1: Image.HEART 17: Image.CLOCK4 33: Image.ARROW_NW 49: Image.TARGET
2 2: Image.HAPPY 18: Image.CLOCK5 34: Image.TRIANGLE 50: Image.TSHIRT
3 3: Image.SMILE 19: Image.CLOCK6 35: Image.TRIANGLE_LEFT 51: Image.ROLLERSKATE
4 4: Image.SAD 20: Image.CLOCK7 36: Image.CHESSBOARD 52: Image.DUCK
5 5: Image.CONFUSED 21: Image.CLOCK8 37: Image.DIAMOND 53: Image.HOUSE
6 6: Image.ANGRY 22: Image.CLOCK9 38: Image.DIAMOND_SMALL 54: Image.TORTOISE
7 7: Image.ASLEEP 23: Image.CLOCK10 39: Image.SQUARE 55: Image.BUTTERFLY
8 8: Image.SURPRISED24: Image.CLOCK11 40: Image.SQUARE_SMALL 56: Image.STICKFIGURE
9 9: Image.SILLY 25: Image.CLOCK12 41: Image.RABBIT 57: Image.GHOST
A 10: Image.FABULOUS26: Image.ARROW_N 42: Image.COW 58: Image.SWORD
B 11: Image.MEH 27: Image.ARROW_NE43: Image.MUSIC_CROTCHET59: Image.GIRAFFE
C 12: Image.YES 28: Image.ARROW_E 44: Image.MUSIC_QUAVER 60: Image.SKULL
D 13: Image.NO 29: Image.ARROW_SE45: Image.MUSIC_QUAVERS 61: Image.UMBRELLA
E 14: Image.CLOCK1 30: Image.ARROW_S 46: Image.PITCHFORK 62: Image.SNAKE
F 15: Image.CLOCK2 31: Image.ARROW_SW47: Image.XMAS 63: Image.HEART_SMALL
en/arduino/arduinosps/microbit.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/18 12:11 by admin
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